Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
For ARRL New England Division Director Why I Seek Re-election as Your New England DirectorBorn and raised in the Boston area, I’ve been an active ham since 1956, with stops at Colby, BC Law and Harvard Business School. Throughout, the ARRL was there for me; I’ve been a Life Member since 1975 and Diamond Club-level donor to the League.
I wrote Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur – one of ARRL’s most highly-acclaimed books. As Volunteer Counsel, I’ve helped hams get tower permits all over the country. I’ve guided hams throughout our hobby – in EMCOMM, experimenting, contesting, and public service.
I have been your ARRL New England Division Director since 2019 and have focused on representing the interests of New England Amateur Radio operators at Congress and at the FCC. I have enjoyed creating educational presentations on antenna zoning to serve the radio operators in New England and beyond. View my activities with the ARRL:

Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
NE Division Report
View the report dated
July 16, 2021.
Fred's Amateur Radio Presentations and Articles
View webpage from with presentations and articles with links.
It has been my privilege to speak to HAM-CON, sponsored by the Radio Amateurs of Northern Vermont, on three occasions – twice in person at the Hampton Inn, and most recently on the first Zoom HAM-CON. If you missed it, feel free to click on the PowerPoint presentations that were displayed as I spoke.
ARRL Forum Talk
PowerPoint presentation given at 2021 HAM-CON in Vermont
Antenna Law
PowerPoint presentation given at 2019 HAM-CON in Vermont
CC&R Strategies
PowerPoint presentation given at 2008 HAM-CON in Vermont
Watch Fred’s six-part series of talks on Antenna Zoning and HOA Rules on YouTube:

ARRL Life Member. Volunteer Counsel. Leadership Donor.

Fred at the Head of the Charles Regatta, with Richard Savage, KB1LYJ, and Kathy Savage, RN, NP, KB1LPW. Richard is the President and Kathy is the Secretary of the North Shore Radio Association (MA).

Fred Visiting 11 Club Field Day Sites June 2021
W1UE and members of the “Radio” club (call signs ending in R): K1UR, K1NR, K1VR. FD 2021 with the Algonquin Amateur Radio Club (using W1M), and the Waltham Amateur Radio Association – the first club K1VR ever joined.
Bob Weaver, W1GTH, has some good advice for K1VR and Dom Spina, KB1WOH, Southington ARA VP. The W1ECV FD site was at the Plainville Fish & Game Club, Terryville, CT. Does your club have a rifle range?

K1VR, a mystery man, and Skip Youngberg, K1NKR.
So who is the guy in the middle?
Everyone has something to say! At the Insurance City Radio Club’s FD site, Terryville (CT) Fairgrounds. Left to right: Steve KB1RRR, Pete KB1KZC, and Chris KA1NDE.
K1VR listening to Mike Walters, W8ZY, at the Northville ARA (NA1RA) FD Site, New Preston, CT.
At the Stamford Amateur Radio Association FD site. Looking up at a standard aluminum 3 el Yagi, supported by ropes in trees, fixed West!
Left to right: WA1JBO, K1VR, N2CN, W1DYN, AC1HF
Photo courtesy of Ed Parish, K1EP
Friday afternoon, K1VR at work, cranking up the AB-577 for a tribander at the Hamden County Radio Association Field Day site, W1NY
Photo courtesy of Ted Schiff, K3FEC (Hadley, MA)
Antenna Zoning Work
As an attorney, I have represented radio hams seeking permits at hearings and in court. My book on this subject has proven popular and is now in its third printing. Learn more:
Victory for Amateur Radio Operator in MA
In Massachusetts, again as a private lawyer, it was my privilege to represent KD1MF before the Land Court KD1MF in a victory for his proposed 80 foot tower in Framingham.
KD1MF at hearing
A summary of the case may be found at
This reported decision may be found at*kHb*3OPrRCIsZvD6FBwj2EPG99bUBsvTAYJ1mIIPGwIYuuuy4NxRGvVjpSvoGWiaqKFK70vZZ9in8iClydU
Tower Zoning Article
Judge revives KD1MF’s plans for 80-foot tower in MA – July 29, 2021
Judge Orders Zoning Board to Reinstate KD1MF Tower Permit
Framingham, MA Land Court reverses decision of Zoning Board and grants a building permit for an 80 foot tower.
NN1SS Receives Grant for Tower Zoning Exception
View the grant from the Milford, NH Zoning Board that authorizes an exception for two ninety foot towers.
July 21, 2021
Antenna Zoning for Radio Amateurs
Unrelated to my position as a Director, but explaining why the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021 was a busy time in my life, I published, in cooperation with the ARRL, the Third Edition of Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur. As the second edition, also in cooperation with the ARRL, was published in 2011, there have been some changes to include as a result of the intervening 10 years. For those curious about the subject, there is no conflict of interest here. The ARRL has no other book on this topic, and this book is being sold through the ARRL Store. While this was not written as a Board member, it benefits all hams because, as we say, “No antennas, no ham radio.”
View more about Fred’s book at

Fred, K1VR in the shack